Personal Development Learning - Tutor Time
On a Monday to Thursday pupils have a 30 minute PDL session with their tutor. During PDL, pupils work in small sized tutor groups. Each tutor group has a mixture of pupils from each year group; three or four from each year.
Each fortnight during PDL pupils will explore activities around a given theme based on our Character Virtues; pupils will undertake activities and discussions using a learning question and stimuli to produce a tutor group project outcome at the end of the fortnightly period. Tutors will also have the chance to celebrate any tutee successes or special occasions at any point throughout the year.
Raising Standards Leaders deliver fortnightly assemblies to strengthen the House ethos as well as allowing pupils to reflect on the Character Virtues theme for the fortnight.
The Character Virtues that we are building to develop and enhance are based on the school motto of Enjoy Enrich Excel;
Tutors know every pupil well, and the tutor group system allows them to mentor and monitor the development of potential in each pupil and helps to promotes equal opportunities for all pupils. It also allows for greater parent partnership, enhanced pupil voice and leadership, and encourages good citizenship.
PDL aims to to focus on the following:
- Developing responsible, active citizens who are able to play their part and become involved in public life as adults
- To broaden pupils’ horizons through a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities
- To promote and debate current affairs and world events
- To promote British Values
Tutor time is also used effectively by tutors to support the pastoral care of pupils. Tutor mentoring and tracking along with attendance/behaviour and uniform checks are activities that are embedded each day in our tutor time activities.
AMBITION- How do you imagine your future and what steps can you take now to achieve your goals?
INCLUSION- How can we best fight hateful attitudes and intolerance?
RESPECT- How does showing respect benefit all communities?
CITIZENSHIP- How can we balance protecting our rights and taking our responsibilities seriously?
KINDNESS- Why is being kind good for our mental health?
SOCIAL JUSTICE- how can we have a positive impact on Social Justice?
COMMUNITY AWARENESS- How can we learn to think bigger?
REFLECTION- I am learning to become more…?