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Cambridge National Sport Studies 2024/25

 At Purbrook Park, we have started to deliver the Cambridge National Sport Studies Qualification.  This course is equivalent to one GCSE. Pupils study four units (listed below) during the two years. Each one offers pupils different opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the practice and theory behind the modern day sporting world. One of the units is externally examined. In the other two units pupils are assessed through a variety of methods including presentations, written coursework, practical demonstrations and leadership. 

  • Contemporary Issues (Externally Examined)
  • Performance and Leadership (Practical Unit - 2 sports)
  • Media In Sport (Written Coursework)

The Course

There will be four units studied through the two years, each offering you different opportunities to develop your knowledge and understanding of the theories behind the modern day sporting world.

One of the units (Contemporary Issues) is externally assessed. The other three units are assessed through coursework or practical elements. You will be assessed using a variety of methods including presentations, written coursework and practical demonstrations (Coaching & officiating). We teach 4 lessons over our 2 week timetable. This is made up of a mixture of Practical & Theory Lessons. The theory lessons will be taught using a variety of methods including, lectures, workshops, practical sessions and research.

* R184: Contemporary Issues (Externally Assessed)

This is split into four sections. Issues which affect participating in sport. The role of sport in promoting values. Understanding the importance of hosting major sporting events and knowing about the role of the national governing bodies.

*R185: Performance and Leadership Skills.

The practical sports unit is where you will be given the chance to show your skills, techniques and tactics in a wide range of sports. You will be taught the rules of these sports and learn how to officiate in your chosen sport. You have to do at least two main sports- one individual and one team sport, but we will cover a variety of sports throughout the unit and course.

Pupils will also learn how to plan a coaching session in detail, in a sport of their choice. They will then deliver this to their peers. They will review their session and pick out their strengths and weaknesses. Finally they will have to put an action plan together on how to improve.

*R186: Media In Sport

Pupils will understand the basic singular forms of Media such as Newspapers, Internet, Television and Radio. You will explore both the Positive and Negative impacts media can have on a variety of sports in a specific sporting activity area. 

KS4 Year 9


Pupils will prepare for the following coursework based assignments. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines. 

Assignments : 

R185: Topic Area 1 - Performance in 2 sporting activities and Skills Analysis 


Pupils will prepare for the following coursework based assignments. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.

Assignments : 

R185:Methods of Improving and Developing Leadership Skills


Pupils will prepare for the following coursework based assignments. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.


R185:Leading of a sports activity session and reviewing your own performance and planning

KS4 Year 10


Pupils will prepare for and then complete the following coursework based assignments. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.


  • R186 - Sport in the Media - Sources of the Media - Digital, Broadcast and Print


Pupils will prepare for and then complete the following coursework based assignments. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.


  • R186 - Sport in the Media - Positives of the Media 


Pupils will prepare for and then complete the following coursework based assignments. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.


  • R186 - Sport in the Media -Negatives of the Media 
  • R184 - Begin Topic area - Contemporary Issues


Year 11


Pupils will prepare for and then complete topic area tests on each area learnt. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.

  • R184 - Recap Topic Area 1
  • R184 - Learn Topic Areas  2-5

Pupils will prepare for and then complete topic area tests on each area learnt. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.

  • R184 -Take 1st Attempt Exam in January 
  • R184 - Learn and revisit all topic Areas

Pupils will prepare for and then complete topic area tests on each area learnt. These will be in a variety of formats and have strict deadlines.

  • R184 -Take Final Exam