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Drama Curriculum 2024/25

KS3 Year 7


Intro to Drama

Pupils look at basic Drama skills like body language, voice and gestures. They learn what stage directions are and how to use them in script work.

Darkwood Manor

Pupils are introduced to devising skills through the horror genre. They Look at the idea of building tension on stage through movement and Drama elements.


Script work

Pupils learn different genre and styles of scripts and how to adapt in performance. They learn basic understanding of developing a piece of script work from a given stimuli.


Pupils learn the basic rules of mime. They explore how to develop a character on stage through mime. They also develop dynamics and rhythm through mime in the performance of an assessment


Blue Remembered Hills

 Pupils learn how to imagine other characters from a different era and how to include research into own performance and characterisation


Pupils learn the basic foundations of a fairy tale and where they originated from. They use devising skills to start to create own fairy tale based on an existing fairy tale

KS3 Year 8



Pupils learn and look at a range of different types of comedy in each lesson. From slapstick, verbal, levels of distress and physical comedy.

Lost and confused 

This unit explores a different take on Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’

Pupils develop own characterisation on stage and learn how to work with a given stimulus (e.g a piece of music or poem)



Pupils use real life events as stimulus and develop improvisation skills on stage. They also improve overall performance skills through developing and creating a piece of serious drama

Soap Opera

Pupils develop an understanding of the genre and style of soap opera.

They learn melodrama and how to use this effectively on stage


Theatre in Education

Pupils learn the basic features and skills needed for theatre in education. Direct audience address, marking the moment, importance of an opening scene etc.

Grimm Tales

Pupils develop their understanding of fairy tales and are introduced to the background of Grimm tales. They learn how movement and use of space can impact characterisation and development of piece.

KS4 Year 9


Devised performance

Pupils explore and understand key components of devising work to gain an understanding of GCSE requirements.

Dan Nolan

Pupils look at the Dan Nolan script and explore the skills and techniques required of GCSE script work.


Mock Comp1 – written exam


Pupils will look at Around the world in 80 days as a GCSE play and explore key skills and vocabulary needed to meet the requirements of the written GCSE. Skills and ways to answer the question will be implemented and practiced in theory lessons. Scenes will also be explored practically to strengthen and support knowledge and understanding of key moments in the play.


Mock component 3 (Text in practice)

Pupils explore key skills when working with script work as required for GCSE. Pupils take lessons in in-depth characterisation work to ensure a high performance level. They look at analysis of character and meaning in a wider context of play.

Theatre in education

Pupils develop communication and group skills to create a high standard piece of drama. GCSE techniques are explored and implemented in their own work to show a practical understanding of the course requirements.   

KS4 Year 10


Blood Brothers

 Pupils read the play and Understand the key characters, themes, settings, costumes and design elements. The focus is on all aspects of the GCSE written exam

Devising Drama. Pupils begin to explore themes and devices that they may use in preparation for their devised exam


Devising Drama Coursework

Pupils begin their practical coursework, drawing on all techniques previously learnt. They write up logs to support and evidence the developments and progress made throughout the unit. They perform their devised pieces to invited audience.) They produce a detailed self evaluation of their work.


Component 1 (Written exam)

Pupils continue to learn the requirements of the written exam. They watch a live theatre production of learn how to write an effective review. Pupils also keep developing knowledge of section A including theatre roles and stage types

KS4 Year 11


Component 2 Devising Drama (Practical)

Pupils will spend the first month continuing rehearsing for component 1 devised exam. They will perform in the hall this first half-term, and it is internally assessed.

Component 2 Devising Drama (Coursework)

Pupils will finish their coursework. Drawing on all techniques previously learnt. They write up logs to support and evidence the developments and progress made throughout the unit. They perform their devised pieces to invited audience.) They produce a detailed self-evaluation of their work.

Component 3 – (Text in practice)

Pupils draw on all previously learnt skills and techniques to rehearse and practice 2 script pieces which are performed to an external examiner. They explore how lighting, sound, costume and set are used to enhance their work.  Pupils take part in a dress rehearsal and mock exam of pieces in preparation for the actual exam


Component 3 – ( Text in Practice)

Pupils use feedback for their mock to perfect their performances. All Year 11 pupils perform their component 3 exam pieces to external examiner in January.

Component 1 – (Understanding Drama) 

Pupils go and watch “Woman in Black” in London in preparation for the written exam in summer. They use their knowledge learnt to answer the questions on the written paper effectively ensuring they know key terminology and able to analyse the use of staging, characterisation, costumes, sound and script.


Component 1 – (Understanding Drama)

Pupils will complete a last mock exam before taking their GCSE written exam, consolidation all the drama theory previously learnt.