Purbrook Park School Archives
Memories from the past...
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this library of memories over the last 100 years. We've still got room for more, so please delve into your archives and let us know if you would like to add anything!
Please contact: admin@purbrook.hants.sch.uk
PPS Winners of the 1975 Portmouth Football Saturday League
1975 PPS Football Team - Winners of the Portsmouth Saturday League
PPSWinnersofthe1975PortmouthFootballSaturdayLeague.png943PPS Winners of the 1975 Portmouth Football Saturday League1975 PPS Football Team - Winners of the Portsmouth Saturday LeagueDuke of Edinburgh Certificates in the Library with Mr Overton and Mr David 1980's
Duke of Edinburgh Certificates circa 1980
DukeofEdinburghCertificatesintheLibrarywithGeorgrapyTeachers-MrMcFaddenandMrAllen1980's.jpg965Duke of Edinburgh Certificates in the Library with Mr Overton and Mr David 1980'sDuke of Edinburgh Certificates circa 1980Mrs McChesney - English teacher and Librarian 1960's-1980'sintheSchoolLibrary
Mrs McChesney with some of her students in the Library - 1980's
MrsMcChesney-EnglishteacherandLibrarian1960's-1980'sintheSchoolLibrary.jpg971Mrs McChesney - English teacher and Librarian 1960's-1980'sintheSchoolLibraryMrs McChesney with some of her students in the Library - 1980's