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Homework 2024-2025

At Purbrook Park School we want to ensure that Homework is:

•Laser focussed and efficient
•Takes into account competence
•Clear and unambiguous

Homework is grouped into either PREPARATION, PRACTICE or REVISION (PPR).  All tasks focussed on progress of the pupils either for the last lesson, the next lesson or an assessment.  Homework is fed back to pupils; that may be that it is used in lesson or given an indication of their success.  Homework is clearly set so that pupils and parents know What, How and When, this can be seen on EduLink.  Parents should not have to help children with their homework.

All subjects will decide when and how homework is set, there will not be a set day each week, but homework is set and recorded at least once a fortnight.  Homework is set according to “chunks” of 15 minutes.  The minimum expectation is that one 15 minute “chunk” of homework is set for every two lessons that pupils have in both Key Stages.  This means that a pupil in year 7 & 8 will have 6.5 hours of homework a fortnight.