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Welcome to Textiles


Lead Teacher

Miss Cumbo

Teachers of Textiles

Miss Cumbo

KS3 Textile Design

Year 7 – Experimenting (My Selfie)

Year 8 - Textures of the Body

KS4 Textile Design

Textile Design is a versatile and varied practice that involves the creation, selection, manipulation and application of a range of techniques and processes such as fusing, fabric manipulation, printing, decorative and construction techniques to create original and personal designs and products.

Pupils will have the opportunity, to visit local colleges and to work with local artists to develop their confidence and professional ideas and working style.

The Textile Design course gives you the opportunity to develop your confidence and technical ability to experiment with materials, techniques and processes, and to appreciate the complexity and beauty of the specialism. You will develop a wide range of technical skills throughout KS4, alongside working with others, thinking creatively and developing design ideas through experimentation. This will be developed and presented in a professional portfolio style sketchbook. The assessment objectives you will be looking to cover are your ability to develop ideas through research and investigation, refining ideas and techniques, showing how your work develops by recording what you do and analysing/evaluating it to finally produce a personal end result. 

Why choose this course?

Textiles is a course that will offer you creative freedom and technical challenge and develop your ability to be an independent practitioner. Organisation, resilience and using your initiative are vital skills during practical work when producing your final sketchbooks and products. This course can lead onto college and university courses, such as Foundation in Art and Design, interior design, and then onto degree courses.

Course content

Component 1: Portfolio

What's assessed

A portfolio that in total shows explicit coverage of the four assessment objectives.

It must include a sustained project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the realisation of intentions.

Also, pupils will create a mini-skills project resulting from activities such as trials and experiments; skills-based workshops; responses to gallery, museum or site visits; work placements; independent study and evidence of the pupil's specific role in any group work undertaken.

How it's assessed

No time limit

96 marks

60% of GCSE

Non-exam assessment (NEA) set and marked by the school/college and moderated by AQA during a visit. Moderation will normally take place in June.


Component 2: Externally set assignment

What's assessed

Pupils respond to their chosen starting point from an externally set assignment paper relating to their subject title, evidencing coverage of all four assessment objectives.

How it's assessed

Preparatory period followed by 10 hours of supervised time

96 marks

40% of GCSE

Non-exam assessment (NEA) set by AQA; marked by the school/college and moderated by AQA during a visit. Moderation will normally take place in June.