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Computing and IT Curriculum 2024/25

KS3 Year 7


Pupils will learn how to access the PPS network safely and securely.  They will learn about viruses and password security.  They will learn how to use PPS email (Outlook) to send and receive emails and log into Microsoft Teams to access lesson materials and complete and submit work. 

Clear messaging in digital media - combining the use of digital tools and online collaboration to produce media.  

This unit is designed to build upon pupils experience at key stage 2. They will use a range of different skills across several pieces of software working  between different applications to create a poster and slides on a given theme. The unit is designed so that pupils can concentrate on applying skills that they may have previously learnt as well as those being learnt in the unit. Pupils will be given clear tasks for which they need to first plan and then implement a solution. 

Networks - from semaphores to the Internet - Recognising networking hardware and explaining how networking components are used for communication.

Imagine a world without computer networks: there would be no more YouTube, Google, instant messaging, online video gaming, Netflix, and iTunes; no online shopping; no file sharing; and no central backups of information. This unit defines  a network and addresses the benefits of networking, before covering how data is transmitted across networks using protocols.


Modelling using Spreadsheets 

Pupils will have an introduction to the wonderful world of spreadsheets and the concept of cell referencing. They will have the opportunity to collect, analyse, and manipulate data, before turning it into graphs and charts. Data is beautiful!

Using media - Gaining support for a cause Creating a digital product for a real-world cause.

Pupils will develop a deeper understanding of information technology and digital literacy by using their skills across the unit to create a blog post about a real world cause they are passionate about and would like to gain support for.


Programming essentials in Scratch 

This programming unit is aimed to build learners’ confidence and knowledge of the key programming constructs. Importantly, this unit does not assume any previous programming experience, but it does offer learners the opportunity to expand on their knowledge throughout the unit. The main programming concepts covered in this unit are sequencing, variables, selection, and count-controlled iteration. 

KS3 Year 8


Media - Vector graphics - Creating vector graphics through objects, layering, and path manipulation

Pupils will have the opportunity to design graphics using vector graphic editing software. By the end of the unit pupils will have produced an illustration, a logo, or some icons using vector graphics. Vector graphics can be used to design anything from logos and icons to posters, board games, and complex illustrations. Through this unit, pupils will be able to better understand the processes involved in creating such graphics and will be provided with the knowledge and tools to create their own.


Layers of Computing Systems 

Pupils will be taken on a tour through the different layers of computing systems: from programs and the operating system, to the physical components that store and execute these programs, to the fundamental binary building blocks that these components consist of. The aim is to provide a concise overview of how computing systems operate, conveying the essentials and abstracting away the technical details that might confuse or put off learners, and the last lessons cover two interesting contemporary topics: artificial intelligence and open-source software. 


 Mobile app development - Using event-driven programming to create an online gaming app.

Today, there’s an app for every possible need. Pupils will work through the entire process of creating their own mobile app, using App Lab from Building on programming concepts learnt in Year 7 pupils will perform user research, design their app, write the code for it, before finally evaluating and publishing it for the world to use.