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History Curriculum 2024/25

KS3 Year 7


An introduction to Historical skills

Health and the People: Poos and Loos. When was it the best time to go to the toilet in British History?


Native Americans: Period study of a different society (1789-1900)


Citizenship, Church and Crown (1066-1900)

End of Year Review and Assessment

KS3 Year 8


What Damage did White Supremacy do? An overview study of Black history and diversity

The Great War Part 1 : Depth study exploring the causes and consequences of the Great War


The Great War Part 2: Depth study exploring the causes and consequences of the Great War

The Second World War: Explore the causes and impact of the Second World War including fascism and the Holocaust


How close did we come to the end of the world: An overview study of the second half of the twentieth century including superpower relations during the Cold War

End of Year Review, Assessment and case studies of significant events in the 20th and 2st centuries

KS4 Year 9


The rise of Evil: Preparatory study of the events in Germany between 1918 and 1933

Living Under Nazi Rule 1933-45

Democracy to Dictatorship: How were the Nazis able to take control of Germany so quickly?


Living Under Nazi Rule 1933-45

Taking a stand: What made it so hard to oppose Nazi Rule?

"Dem Deutschen Volke": How did the lives of the German people change, 1933-39

Germany in War: What was the impact of the Second World War on the German people?

Occupation: What did Nazi rule mean for the people of Europe, 1939-45?


Living Under Nazi Rule 1933-45

Occupation: What did Nazi rule mean for the people of Europe, 1939-45?

The Elizabethans 1580-1603

Majesty: How did Elizabeth use her power?

‘Dangerous people’: Why were there so few Catholics in Elizabeth’s kingdom by 1603?

KS4 Year 10


The Elizabethans 1580-1603

Daily Lives: What mattered to the Elizabethans?

Merry England?: What lay behind the changes in popular culture?

Going Global: What did the Elizabethan adventurers achieve?


The making of America 1789-1900

Growing Pains: What tensions arose as the USA grew, 1789-1838?

Visions: How did different groups see the American West , 1839-60?

‘A new birth of freedom’? What sense can be made of the Civil War and its aftermath, 1861-77?


The making of America 1789-1900

Smoke and Blood: What caused settlement and conflict on the plains, 1861-77

We the people: How did the lives of Americans change, 1877-1900?

KS4 Year 11


The People’s Health c.1250 - the present

The People's Health, 1500-1750: More of the Same for People?

Revolution! Why were there such huge changes in the people’s health, 1750-1900?

Better than ever? Do the changes in public health since 1900 tell a simple story of progress?

Matters of Life and Death: Did anyone really care about health in the Middle Ages?


History Around us: Portchester Castle site study and field trip

Revision and exam preparation


Revision and exam preparation