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Physical Education Curriculum 2024/25

KS3 Year 7


Through a variety of teambuilding activities and sports pupils will understand the importance of effort, determination and striving to reach their personal best. It is a time to make new relationships with their peers and to begin to develop the growth mindset so important at PPS. Through these sports key physical skills will be learnt as well as learning about sportsmanship and fair play and its importance in our subject and the wider society.


Through a variety of fitness-based activities and sports pupils will develop their teamwork skills and ability to communicate with those around them. They will continue to develop key physical skills and knowledge of rules. After half term they will try and improve their own fitness while building their resilience, effort and determination. Pupils will learn a variety of different methods of training and we aim to build upon the autumn term with pupils excited to celebrate their own and others successes.


Through athletic and striking and fielding activities pupils will continue learning key physical skills and rules. They will use what they have learnt throughout the year to enable them to semi organise and officiate striking and fielding games. They will also prepare for sports day. After half term we will recap the PPS PE values that they have learnt through the year.

KS3 Year 8


Through a variety of different physical activities and sports pupils will begin to learn the major skills, qualities and responsibilities of a sports leader. They will begin to lead small groups warm ups. This will continue after half term where teamwork and communication skills will be recapped from year 7 and contextualised for what that means as a sports leader. As well as their leadership, pupils will be assessed in their ability to be led by others to show reciprocal respect to others. Physical skills, rules and cognitive competence will continue to be taught alongside this.


Pupils will focus upon the different types of communication while leading in this term and their strengths and weaknesses. Their leadership will include leading small groups in other activities. Physical and cognitive competence will continue to be taught alongside this and this process will be modelled for pupils for them to attempt. After half term they will try and improve their own fitness while building their resilience, effort and determination. Pupils will learn the different components of fitness and link these to previously learnt methods of training. Pupils will be expected to plan and organise parts of their fitness sessions.


Pupils will use the athletic and striking and fielding activities to practice different motivation techniques to motivate themselves and others. They will continue to develop their physical and cognitive skills whilst being able to organise and officiate themselves. After half term the skills learnt throughout the year will be recapped and activities will be planned and led.

KS4 Year 9


Pupils will continue to develop their leadership skills though a variety of physical activities and sports. Leadership will begin with warm ups but group sizes will increase. Adaptation and creativity to overcome problems will be learnt in both leadership and in different sporting scenarios. The ability to be led by others will once again take precedence to show they continue to show respect to others. After half term a range of different competition formats will be learnt and pupils will need to work collaboratively to organise these effectively. Physical and cognitive skills will continue to be taught alongside this.


Pupils will learn the basic structure of a physical activity session during the first half term and be expected to enable others to play a fun, safe and inclusive activity. After half term they will try and improve their own fitness while building their resilience, effort and determination. Pupils will learn the basic principle of training  and link these to previously learnt methods of training. Pupils will be expected to plan and organise parts of their fitness sessions.


Alongside the continuation of their physical and cognitive skill development in athletic and striking and fielding activities pupils will plan and lead sessions. The group will be expected to take part and then offer constructive criticism and evaluation of their leadership. Pupils will then be encouraged to reflect upon their leadership and identify strengths and areas for development. The last few weeks will focus on enjoyment and engagement in their PE lessons to begin to prepare them for year 10.

KS4 Year 10


 The PPS values are recapped, particularly effort and determination and sportsmanship. We particularly assess and relate collaborative working and teamwork to their future career paths. We will be encouraging pupils to work independently, self regulate and to self manage throughout lessons. The second half of the half term takes place during their mock examinations. We use this time to impress upon the pupils the positive physical and mental health benefits that physical activity has as well as cognitive benefits that will help them in their future exam success.


The pupils continue to have a choice in the activities that they follow for the first half term and we focus upon the social skills required to be successful in sport and society. We recap the PPS values from key stage 3 and acknowledge the different types of relationships that are formed amongst their peers. After half term they will try and improve their own fitness while building their resilience, effort and determination. Pupils will be expected to follow a much more personalised fitness programme and we will teach the importance of a healthy diet and nutrition.


Pupils will be taught the different roles that can be performed in a team during this term predominantly through the sport education model. Athletics and striking and fielding will continue to be developed but greater choice will exist. Problems solving and teambuilding activities will also be used to solidify the social skills that have been learnt throughout the year.

KS4 Year 11


Pupils will focus on enjoyment and participation in physical activity that they enjoy. Effort, determination and activity levels are the most important aspect of this term. This will lead to positive experiences and lifelong participation.


This term links to their mock exams and reinforces the physical, mental and cognitive benefits of staying fit and active during exams. The PPS values are also recapped and linked to their future careers.


Physical education lessons are used to prepare the pupils physically and mentally for their upcoming exams in order to maximise achievement and reduce stress and anxiety.